Monday, July 31, 2006

It goes, it goes.

I sent out my first 10 letters to pastors I do not know. All my fundraising so far has been churches I am acquainted with or family. I'm sending out a letter tomorrow to some friends of mine who have said they will support me. I'm at about 20% of my monthly pledges and 5% of my cash budget. Vienna feels a long way away (but Benin is just a month and a half away!).


Emma said...

Well hello Becca Ray! How fun that you have a blog now too. I'm so excited for you and where the Lord is leading. Vienna will come sooner than you think, and know that this vision for Austria is no mistake, but the Lord is in it. So speak boldly at those churches, and sometimes the best fundraising is just personal relationships, so make lots of friends!

Keldog said...

hey there chica,
so great to hear from you! you can email me all the time. "you've got a friend in me" (haha sorry, had to through a song in there somehow)

keep chugging along w/ that support. it gets to be long and hard, yet God is 100% faithful in providing. He is faithful in all things! I'm excited and severly jealous that you get to go to africa! it's gonna rock!

i love ya a lot and keep in touch.
