Thursday, November 30, 2006

Oh the fun of it!

Much to my amazement I have no idea what I'm doing! No, it doesn't really amaze me because 90% of the time I look like I have a handle on things better than I actually do. This past week I had $5 given to me toward my cash budget and received a call from a church I spoke at whose Missionettes are going to sponsor me for $10 a month. Since I've been sitting on my hands for a couple of weeks I got so excited about this. Who knew that $10 a month and $5 in pocket could make you so happy?

On other fronts I found out last night that the youth group at my church ran 74 on average for the month of November. I am so thankful to God for this for a couple of reasons. I have worked with the youth at my church for the past four years and have been part of three different youth pastor's vision for the group. They all brought very different things to the ministry table. One year ago the new youth pastors came in and it was obvious that they loved teenagers and were called to youth ministry specifically. When they started the group ran 15 on a good night. The kids weren't passionate and they had lost interest in being there. Now these same kids are excited to come to church and are excited to bring their friends. They are really proud of their youth group, their proud of their Christianity and they are proud of their God. It's amazing what kind of change can happen in a year. The majority of the kids that are faithful attenders now are not part of the "main church" and many come from broken homes, but they've found a place where they are accepted and offered hope and that makes people want to know about what's being offered. The youth pastor isn't shy about calling it like he sees it and these kids are presented the Gospel week-after-week, they're discipled and they are growing in their Christianity. They've even started taking it into their schools. I am amazed!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Turn around...

Things in the fundraising world are back on track. I had two services this past week and ended up with $1,050. That's a good chunk of change! So now I have $735 of my $2,077 in monthly pledges raised and $3,175 of the $7,519 for my cash budget. Yeah!
I have several pledges unaccounted for, people have told me they would pledge on a monthly basis but I don't know how much they were planning on.
I did do one major fundraising faux pas at the church I was at Sunday morning, I had no pledge forms on me. I've given them all away and forgot to print more, I had a few people ask me for them and I had to tell them to email me. Don't know what my chances are of them contacting me, it's easy to forget when something is out of sight. My mistake, it will never happen again.
On Wednesday I did a short devotional along with my 3 minute presentation and was blinded by the stage lights. It was at my friends church and they are working on fixing the problem, they can't adjust the brightness currently.

I also got to go to the Indianapolis Zoo with my friends and their kids and a couple of missionaries who do Chi Alpha and are the son and daughter-in-law of my pastor. It's a small, small world. But the zoo was fun and the kids were all little, 3 and under (4 of them total) so when they got excited there was no volume control. I love being around little kids when they're excited because they don't care if everyone else knows it or not, they are just excited!

Anyway it was a very good week and hopefully I can keep up the momentum, but everything in God's time.