Monday, April 16, 2007

Down under the $1,000 marker.

Let the good times role! The fundraising is going well and the monthly pledges needed are down under $1,000. I had a few services over the past couple of weeks and a check was sent to me by a church that felt bad they couldn't pledge but wanted to do something. I was given a little bit of cash by the father of the doctor I babysit for. Wait that's totally not the best part, he's Jewish! I'm also still waiting for news from a missions committee on how much their church will be pledging, sweet!
This week I'll be helping with the youth at my church Monday through Wednesday. We have a guest speaker- Youth Alive missionary Keith Robinson who is challenging the students to go out and live like Christians. Last nights service was awesome and the next three nights should be just as amazing.
Friday and Saturday is Fine Arts down in Indianapolis for the youth, so that's where I'll be most of my weekend.
My friend put together a video for me, hopefully I'll be able to put a link to it so the four people who read this blog can check it out!

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