Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Well, yeah... I'm forty percent of the way to Vienna. A women's ministry at a church I've never been to, a family of friends, and a wonderful lady have just upped the amount of monthly commitments raised. My cash budget is standing at 50% raised but I'm not worried, I've got a new year comming!

Pastor Tom Manning, the missionary I'll be working with at Vienna Christian Center set a tentative date for my departure to Vienna. He'd prefer I wait until early summer (I'm saying late May to make myself feel better) to come. That would be easier on the church since that's when they start their new year and it would make my transition easier. This is fine with me because it allows me plenty of time to raise my budget and will also allow me to go get a second job so I'm not so broke all the time. I'm thinking about becoming a substitute teacher... I will have no control over those classes...

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