Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My schedule has been crazy but praise God money is coming in slowly but surely. I have $711 in monthly pledges still to raise, I just bought a set of luggage (which a friend then offered to pay for, freeing up my money to go toward Vienna!), I have no idea what I will do in 2 weeks if the money hasn't come in. Both my jobs are ending at the same time. They needed a time line and I gave it to them 4 months ago.


I believe God could bring in all the money I need tomorrow, not sure if that will actually happen but it could.

1 comment:

Keldog said...

hey you! so proud of you! it's coming up sooner than you can say GO! when is your 'estimated' arrival date to the good 'ole continent of EUROPE??? i can't wait to hear more & to possibly come visit you!!